M.E. does a great header and it is really important real estate ... thanks for writing about it.

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Really useful post Karen. I was just thinking about how I wanted to use headers! Psychic? The actual steps at the end is super useful. Thanks!

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Thanks so much for using Cosmographia as an example! Took much trial and error to figure out what to include, but I think it’s in a good spot now. The hard part is balancing the information with brevity!

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Thanks so much for reminding me about this. My headers have been blank for months, which is a missed opportunity.

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Ugh! Wading through several paragraphs to get to the meat of the email doesn't sound like a good way to attract readers.

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Yes, A.C, that header is longer than mine, for sure.

The multi-paragraph header is a definite trend in Substack at the moment, one that some people can take inspiration from and some might choose not to follow. The fact that Substack's developers have accommodated such big headers is an indicator that they probably work quite for conversions.

I showcased Cosmographia's header because it has a lot of elements that you can pick and choose from, as a writer, to see which works best.

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I didn't see anything useful. In fact, the length was such a turn off that I just went elsewhere. I don't want to have my readers doing the same. Not all advice works. In fact, a lot I've seen does NOT work.

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Hi Karen, I'm probably misunderstanding here, but isn't the content of the header that you have described here pretty much the same as the in-post context that appears at the top of every post? And if so, which one works better?

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Excellent outputs! A very useful information. Thanks a lot !

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