Great post. When I first joined substack I was reading posts that were like 20 minutes in length... I thought this is what the platform and readers here were expecting. I found I'm happiest when my posts are about 5 minutes in reading length... I think my readers appreciate it also, LOL. Cheers!

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This is a great one, Kaaren! Thanks for that reminder about short posts!!!

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Great advice

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Your post gave me peace of mind. Thanks, Karen. I have always had to try to write the best post, which ended up consuming a lot of time. I needed more time this week to write the long one. But now I will make it shorter and post it tomorrow night. I agree with your idea of posting constantly, regardless of the length.

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Very interesting. I love writing, and reading, short-posts, which is why I recently started a series of articles on the subject. They're often harder to write than long posts, so they're a challenge, which I think for writers is a good thing. They are also useful, as you suggest, for keeping the pot simmering, so to speak. I often bash out, I mean craft, a very short post along the lines of: "Here are a couple of books I recently acquired, looking forward to reading them." So, it's always nice to "meet" like-minded people! Thanks, Karen.

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Agreed! When I’m short on finding time for a “proper post”, I like to send out a short one just to keep up the consistency and touch base. Funnily enough, once I start writing what I think will be a short post, the words start to come a bit easier and it ends up not so short anymore 🤣🤷🏼‍♂️.

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I am curious, what do you do with the QR code? How do you use it to promote your Substack?

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Use QR codes for in-person events, either have it on your phone or print post-card sized business cards with the QR code. You could even put it on a T-shirt. When people scan the code they get taken to your publication so you can capture their email address.

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Thanks Karen.

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Thanx for the tip! By the way, how long can a long post go and how ahort can a short post go? 📫

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Short: You can post just three words if you want. Long: theoretically there is no upper limit to the number of words per post. I wouldn't go beyond 5,000 but it depends on your audience and offer.

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I have a similar question as Meera! What would be regarded as a short post?

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... it depends on your audience and their expectations, Dave. A typical short post might be 150 to 300 words, but you can send just two or three words if you really want to.

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That makes sense, I guess it goes back to knowing your audience! Thank you, Karen!

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Thank you! I like to do short and long, but this re-enforces the benefits

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Valuable points to consider. Thank you!

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Great motivational post!

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Karen, Have you created a booklet or video training of your posts. I have been a writer for years and struggle with all the new methods to get readership. With almost 43 years as an accountant and economist, I have tons of knowledge and experience helping people get their financial lives organized. Substack is the perfect medium to share so many mistakes people make and how to overcome them. So my question is how can Substack guide me through my mistakes? Your thoughts. all the best Joe Z

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Thanks so much for that important point. I've been doing some shorter posts recently, and find they get pretty much the same response as longer ones. As you told Lisa, what matters the most is the consistency!

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Short posts can also help us test ideas that can then be evolved into longer posts.

I am also used to write long posts. I may say that my audience prefers them. But, at the same time, if I write short posts for a few months, maybe I improve and my audience starts to like them

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I love the short posts!

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Short post here, 10th amendment.... know it 😀

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