Thanks for the tips. I do wonder, though, just how many people actually read About pages. I admit I rarely do. If a post or a note catches my attention and I enjoy reading it I usually subscribe there and then.
Thank you - I'm relieved to see I'm in alignment with this already in the two I've got now, which is all thanks to your excellent guidance. At least I think I've got it! Will revisit when I'm back from a hiatus with fresh eyes.
Nice work Karen, thanks for focusing on such helpful topics.
Question for you and everyone: Do you have any stellar About page examples I can look at? Do you have any surprising, unconventional examples I can look at? I'd love to see a range of approaches.
One About page I really like is Derek Sivers'. Check out his "timeline for context" and other revealing (and highly intriguing!) sections including how he splits his time between work and family—
I really need to spruce my about pages. I've bookmarked this to help me once I get to it. Thanks Karen!
Thanks for the tips. I do wonder, though, just how many people actually read About pages. I admit I rarely do. If a post or a note catches my attention and I enjoy reading it I usually subscribe there and then.
Thanks, now I have to rewrite my about page. :)
😁 Sorry, not sorry, you won't regret the one-off investment of your time. It'll be worth it.
Appreciated this post
Super helpful! Just used your tips to refresh my stack!
Thanks for this detailed information. This is helpful, especially since I'm working on my newsletter and have yet to publish it.
This is wonderful information for a newbie, like me. I'll have to work my way through the sections, paying attention to all your substack wisdom. :-)
Karen, in a nutshell, what’s the difference between the About page and the hero post?
There’s not much difference, Lisa between an About page and a Hero Post.
You can duplicate the content as not many people will see both.
Hero posts are for browsers who are curious about your publication and found your home page. Focus on the mission of the newsletter.
About pages should contain all the details a reader might want to know, as well as the touchy-feely mission stuff.
Details like: paid offers, frequency of posting, how to get in touch with you, group discounts, other work you do, etc.
Thank you - I'm relieved to see I'm in alignment with this already in the two I've got now, which is all thanks to your excellent guidance. At least I think I've got it! Will revisit when I'm back from a hiatus with fresh eyes.
Nice work Karen, thanks for focusing on such helpful topics.
Question for you and everyone: Do you have any stellar About page examples I can look at? Do you have any surprising, unconventional examples I can look at? I'd love to see a range of approaches.
One About page I really like is Derek Sivers'. Check out his "timeline for context" and other revealing (and highly intriguing!) sections including how he splits his time between work and family—
Guess who has some editing to do? Yep, it's me! Thank you for these tips Karen.
Check out this example!
THANK YOU! Love the face pic. You drew it?
Thank you - very helpful- I’ll review mine now !
This is great advice thank you 🙏