I find your content really helpful. Thank you, Karen.

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Karen, I love how you've set these playlists up in your post with a thumbnail image. How did you do that?

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Substack automatically creates the previews when you paste in a link to another Substack post. Sometimes. I had a really slow internet last week and the preview system wasn't working, which is why some of my playlists don't have the preview-with-thumbnail.

To try this feature, just paste the URL of a Substack post into a post you are drafting, press enter and see what happens.

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Karen, it's very good to meet you, and I love getting your newsletter. I apologize in advance if this is a dumb question or has been answered earlier, especially as I understand that you are "somewhere in Europe" with cheese!

The "section" you have above is called "Playlists." In this section you appear to have a single substack post that shows the playlists as small previews. I get how substack shows previews and use it regularly, it's quite handy.

What I don't understand is how you get the "Playlist" section to display a single post when opened? Or put another way, how does a single post become a section?

It is the same "trick" you do with the "Get Help From Me" section.

If you feel this requires a paid consultation I'm fine with that. Understood that you're on holiday. I hope you take a while to respond. Best R

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The problem is in the mobile the outcome is not good, is not like we see in the web (desktop).

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Thanks Karen!

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