This post is SO generous for those who wanted or needed to know! I didn't know some of this stuff so THANK YOU!

I LOL'd a little at the "This is interesting, thank you for sharing." 😁😁 I haven't experienced that on Substack yet but Medium is notorious for those kind of comments.

Anyway, thanks again Karen. Off to download your thingy now πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

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Glad you got a chuckle from it, Kristi. This post will be a chapter in my Substack book. If I ever finish writing it...

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Hi Karen, this has been the most useful info on using Notes that I have found so far. I will be rereading it weekly for a while yet. Respect, Maurice

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I knew a decent amount about notes, but this was a nice breakdown that gave me a little more structure as to what was happening when I wrote them, who was seeing them, whose I was seeing. Thanks for the information. I love when substackers give clear helpful information without trying to sell you something.

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Wow! I'm relatively new here. So, I have been searching how to succeed. Goodness! You've given more down to earth, common sense answers than anybody I've read...and you did it for free! And, I've read so much that made it seem like I had to buy all these courses, I was about to just call it quits. You're the kind of person that makes this world a better place to live.

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Hey thanks George! Best of luck to you in your dark times.

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Totally agree!

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LOL! I’ve already broken some of these rules.

β€œThis isn’t LinkedIn, you’re a writer, not an accountant. If the only comment (β€˜reply’) you can think of is β€œThat’s interesting, thank you for sharing”, then dont””….”

When I use notes I use a mixture of both. I write meaningful messages and I am also very friendly. I have grow in my Substack fairly substantially in four months. From zero to almost 900 since September 1.

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You're a Substack superhero πŸ™ŒπŸΌ Thank you for inspiring me to give this a GO!

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Karen, that's so interesting that you linked to your guide we can pay for on Gumroad. That's the first time I've seen anyone do that here. These is such a helpful breakdown of how to use Notes.

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Substack should hire you as their education director, or pay you to write these super helpful articles. Thank you for the excellent run down on notes.

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Chiming in here, I agree, Substack should really consider having you onboard the team.

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Good article as usual, Karen!

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Great information here Karen! There were some things about notes I never knew! Very educational and well thought out too! Thanks! πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘Š

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Thank you, Karen! This really helped me figure out how to use these features (and when).

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Really helpful advice here. Over the past month I figured out what worked for me in notes. Like your writing everyone has their own style. Recently I’ve gotten a lot of engagement from my notes because it’s been a way to community build around writing.

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Excellent to hear Marc!

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Thanks so much for all this incredibly helpful info - I'm a newbie here and honestly, there's SO MUCH to absorb when you're just getting started! This was clearly laid out and very easy to understand - I'll be referencing back many times I'm sure, really appreciate it :)

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I’ve seen some really great micro fiction baked into notes too!

but most of notes still seems to me to be writers chit chatting with one another

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Yes, you are right

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Karen, thank you for this very helpful information on using Notes.

Having never used a social media platform I've used Notes a little and spent time every day reading. It feels so random. Akin to throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks.

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Thank you for the mention, Karen. I'll check out your download. Thanks for such a useful article.

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